Is this kinda joke? I don't understand some of you last days (or months). What the hell is wrong with y'all? Chicken?
Putin's army has proven to be jerks & terrorists mesh. The Hitler himself has proven to be insane.
So, about which possible actions are you talking about?
Stop watching that nonsense, and include to events. No need to watch analytics, 'cause if there are no facts, you cannot check anything.
Any analytics prognoses were failed, except for only short term ones.
Putin as a total nuthead can do anything, but he will never fight with Britain, because it is a clear obviouls suicide.
Besides, many average russians do hate Americans, and they probably don't know nothing about Britain at all.
I beg you pardon, Karl, if I was too expressive, but I'm telling what I'm telling. The current situation seems to be it.
However, many dangers of WWIII are presented also. Big figures as Iraque and China haven't been fully included into this conflict yet, so it's really hard to expect something until something like that has happened.