Today I was violently attacked for the umpteenth time
by my nazi psychopath brother. Each time, it gets worse,
and eventually there will be an unalterable tragedy.
This narrative has much detail that is hard to capture
without writing a lengthy document. But I will endeavor
to put this into context.
Why does he fabricate reasons to violently attack me?
This time the dog yelped when another dog walked past
and as I was attempting to herd the dog inside, Mark
attacked me. Again. He claims I was abusing this dog.
That was a lie, the dog always barks and yelps when
other dogs walk past in the early evening.
To understand all this, we need to put it into the political
context. As I am an anti-apartheid activist, and he served
in the apartheid military. I played a significant role in
dismantling the racist conscripted army in February 1990.
As they were given the final orders before being disbanded
those orders were to "fuck up" my life (and anyone who
took a decisive stand against apartheid.)
Over the last 30 years, I have lost count of the vindictive
attacks, verbal, economic, violent, and slanderous attacks
on my character especially made by the supporters of the
racist regime. I have been informed of this deliberate
malicious vendetta against me, on numerous occasions.
So part of the problem can be attributed to this issue,
as he is under standing orders to make malicious attacks
on my person at every opportunity.
But the issue is far deeper than this, as he is my half-brother.
He is 2nd eldest of my mother, and I was the first born of
my father after my mother remarried. Mark's father
was a convicted criminal, like him, with numerous convictions.
Four years older than me, it was in high-school that the
tension between us became serious, as I excelled in
the sciences, achieving numerous distinctions, and prizes.
He was held back, 3 years consecutatively , and when it came
to the point where one more failure would result in him
being in the same year as me, he dropped out of grade 10
and went into compulsory apartheid military service.
It bears mentioning that endless corporal punsihment inflicted
by the apartheid education system did us no favors, and was
systematically designed to produce violent thugs.
Well, you may be wondering why 2 guys at age 50 are living
with their parents. Well, he is incapable of honest behavior,
and I am still the scapegoat for the sins of the white
South African society. Its quite amazing how sucessful I
have been academically, but even as I enter my 9th year
of study for my PhD, my employment hopes are dismal
because of the vendetta against me for my role in dismantling
I have spent most of my adult life 'unemployed', although
that word hardly fits my profile.
I honestly believe however, that one of these days, the
conflict will go beyond retrievable. I find it prudent
to thus express this narrative as proof that I have implored
numerous times that Mark needs to be institutionalized
for his safety and mine. Such conflicts have a 50-50 chance
of either one winning, and most seem to end in a stalemate
until his addrenalin subsides.
This last time, after the dog yelped at the
he came at me shaking and and convulsing, threatening,
threatening, lies and vindictive abuse spewing with spittle,
his face puffed up and red with his frustration.
After we ended up in a mutual headlock, his energy eventually
subsided, and as we let each other go, he punched at me
to let me know it was not over.
I implore my parents to have him institutionalized, but
they are blind to the reality, no doubt feeling guilt,
fearing the shame. I point out that the alternatives
are worse. But to no avail.
Christ have mercy on his Soul.